Went to a celebration dinner for a Centenarian gentleman , on Saturday . At the dinner also , was another Centenarian - a lady - 102 next b/day - still walking on her own . Good night all round First...
I watched today's play from Kandy. The commentators mentioned several times that a group of supporters from England had been moved from a hotel in Kandy to one that is a two hour drive away. Does...
…for covering up male busts and paintings at an exhibition to celebrate women. This follows a number of politically correct fiascos from this organisation. Sad that such a worthwhile undertaking...
Well after 4 years of perusing the above - I have finally done it today. Knocked out for over an hour and he drilled and left implants. 8 stitches/sutures then my oul dentures back in. The sutures are...
Did any of you watch the 1969 moon landing live (as it was happening) on TV & what are your memories? I watched with my two-year old on my lap. I wanted him to be able to say that he saw it while it...
My garden has been inundated by starlings for years. They are greedy, drive out the smaller birds and steal their food. But where have they all gone? I have put out bird food and they are no starlings...
Is there anybody here that ISNT on Facebook.
Ive posted far too much info on there when Ive had a few wobbly pops....
Things that are better left unsaid!...
I have an appointment for a scan at The Bath Hospital at the end of the month at 09.45. I live near Devizes. I tried to do a test drive this morning and it was impossible and horrific. My satnav took...
I have been diagnosed with bronchiecstasis and have a seem to have a permanent post nasal drip although no chest or lung infection at the moment. I had acupuncture today For the first time as I...