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You know the man that Susan is seeing in Neighbours? The 2 kids that play his children, are they brother and sister in real life? They look so alike. Anyone know?
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OK I cant believe i'm even asking this lol but my nosyness has got the better of me, what has happened to that Andy guy?
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My fan has started coming on a lot and sounds(slightly) louder than it used to. Someone told me that it was probably dirty, when I looked I saw loads of dust and dirt round all the vents. Is there a...
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My son and I want to make christmas decorations. I have been trying to download stencils to use with spray snow, because I've never used it before and lets just say, freehand would be a mess lol. I...
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I got an e-mail saying I had a reply to one of my questions, when I went to my profile it said "1 answer" but when I click on it it says there are no replies! And when I tried to look at it in the...
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lol Hey Andy look what I just found! YAY! two of my favourite people on one page :-)
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anti virus, spyware etc. Is it worth while downloading other anti virus software, or will Norton find anything on my computer? Thanks
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it was only little (on his head, near the top sort of behind his ear) and wasn't bothering him, so I though right I'll look again in the morning. I've just looked at it and the bit is covered in a...

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