I can't stop laughing.. I did something really childish. I was chatting to my dad and I suddenly felt all childlike and I started dancing round the clothes horse singing 'In and out the dusty...
This pirate walks into a bar with a big ship's wheel down his pants. The bartender says, "Excuse me, sir, but do you know you have a ship's wheel down the front of your pants?" And the pirate says......
I walked in the lounge and my dad was watching the weakest link. Someone called Karen just voted for Dax to go but it backfired and Karen was the weakest link. Lol.. Nooooo
I am seriously laughing here! I just saw an advert for Titanic on dvd, some new edition or something, and I swear to God they said "now, for the first time, with a whole new alternative ending!" ha ha...
Which was the episode where Mayor Quimby spoiled 'The Crying Game' for people who havent seen it?
"oh and by the way the chick in the crying game is really a man"
heard an item on radio 2 today about biting your nails ,which got me thinking about a habit that i have and thats biting the inside of my mouth i can spend ages pushing my cheek around so i can get...
haven't gone. "Aaarrr, I've got so many wooden limbs I be more chair than Pirate!" everybody should read this book: http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/data2/images/BUS/300 /321/0375423214.jpg
I'm off now to cook rib-eye steaks and baked potatoes. See you all tomorrow. Oh BTW, two medium-sized baking potatoes from the local Coop supermarket ~ SEVENTY-SIX pence!!! Rip-off or what?
With reference to your freedom of speech thread, of course I wasn't saying that I didn't want to talk to you. I was saying that I am RABET and the person you were exchanging views with was RAMPART,...