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Can anyone tell me how I go about obtaining this from abroad. I know that the cost is around ?25,000 but I don't know how to get it. It is for my mum who has recently had breast cancer. I know Canada...
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Hi there. Can anyone tell me what the last letter of my national insurance number stands for. It's just that it seems that every one I talk to their last digit is in order of the siblings in thier...
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any1 watch this programme? or know if i can buy series or anything?
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Seeing the posts below from Rubyrose reminded of those Magic Eye pictures from about 20 years ago. Remember them? You had to sort of squint to pick up the 3-D effect. Were you able to do it? I had no...
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cat, what are you going on about? You're staring into a crystal? eh?
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andy hughes
As a TV (and therefore advert) viewer of many years, I am used to the drivel talked about additives in products, but surely the John Frida shampoo is taking the p*ss! Including 'cocoa, silk and...
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Wakey wakey rise n shine, Its Monday!
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I have just watched Monarch again and dried my tears....I want to go to do i get there, have the buses stopped cos it is after 9pm?
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Anyone fancy a game of Seal clubbing? There has been many an uproar about over the years about it  and i quite fancied a go, just to see what all the fuss was about. If anyone would like to join...
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no one offers me theirs :)
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i'm excited cos this is happening tomorrow
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I recently asked a question for people to give advice on helping me sleep at night, ive now realised i didnt go into much depth, my fiance works perm nights and i have a 15 month old baby who sleeps...
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does anyone have pet rats? I want to get them, but i dont know if they will make good pets.
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I feel so left out, all you lot have your secret little club: froggers, and I have nothing. I'm all alone sat at my computer, I have no real friends, I only have faceless names to keep me company! and...
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my mother sang to me
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got any jokes rude ones of course
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I am always saying 'risk it for a biskit', don't know why!!!!!!!!! I must live on the edge!
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Why is it exclusively for people with children again!?!  And this time, only for people with children over 18 and off to uni.  I propose a quick survey.  Please post a reply simply...
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I would like to apologise if I offended you in anyway last night but I got really pi$$ed off because it seems that you always want to ruin my threads. You came in and started pi$$ing about.. (I don't...
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can't you just tell the ed's a woman

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