How about a category where people can advise others of opportunites for voluntary and charity work, appeals, campaigns and all that kind of thing that people can get involved with eg details of...
it is me. i am carol from south london and its me who has being doing all of the aliases. i am joshnewman, sexyrussian, newmantoday, and all of the others,. i feel better about that now
Did ya'll know that Santa was really green. Well in the olden days they only had black & white TV's so no1 knew what colour he was, it was Coke Cola that made him red! Thats why on Santa the Movie Mrs...
May you all forgive me if this has been asked before, and i am sure it may have been, would it not be a good idea to allow us to use 'emoticons' (those little yellow smiley faces that they use on msn)...
Years ago I read a book and I really want to track it down, can't remember what it was called or who the author was so I was wondering if I tell you the basic story maybe one of you may of read it and...
Hello Lady P here, I would describe myself as one of the quieter ones who replies across the board to many different questions. However a few weeks ago I realised that none of my replies which I have...
American style football is in the Bible. I will prove it to anyone who sends me their mailing address. You will receive a FREE four page report with scriptural references. Email: [email protected] or...
might i suggest and indeed remind some of those with more of a history on here, that some unscrupulous members of this site, have in the past, with malice aforethought, used the images obtained under...
Who has had one of 'those' moments? Last year I was sitting chatting with my six year old daughter, when she suddenly said 'Dad, what's a penis?' I did a reasonable job of not looking like a...
Following in from Panic Button's question what was your parents attitude to the birds and the bees, did they explain things to you, if so how, or was it a taboo subject as it was with mine. Did it...
I have a Hardback copy of the andy warhol diaries by Pat Hackett, which I believe to be a first edition. There is a sequence of numbers from 10 - 2 on the copyright page. Does this mean it is first...
I have had this small boil like thing on my left leg near my groin, I didn't have a white head or anything but I decided to squeeze all the same. This is the nasty bit..... when I did a puss substance...
I got my favourite present this year, loads of book tokens lol I have ?75 to spend in Waterstones and cant wait to get in for a good rummage. Does anyone have any suggestions what I can buy? I nearly...
My son has just bought one of these and it looks great. Thing is the guy in the shop said when he lifts the chainsaw up the character will lift his on screen, but the character doesnt have a chainsaw,...