last one
17 the shawshank redemption recently topped the rte guide
nationwide poll to find irelands favourite 100 movies of all time
what movie came second...
stuck on last few-help/confirmation and explanations please 6a once shut in you'll get mass briefly before this in pulpit 5 I?B?R 2nd letter could be m 27d doxies,first to make overtures by soliciting...
Down to the final four of the year now, for those who are still in for an all correct year. (Sadly my own ambition dies some weeks ago due to a careless error of transcription.) Have not started yet,...
No - i haven't finished it, so get up off the floor. I just wondered what people approaching it thought of the bit in the preamble "so solvers must deduce how many complete cells each answer...
Here is a link to 'The Works' set by Doc. The puzzle can be found on page 81. A couple of the clued lights delayed me more than the theme itself which I...
Good grief, where is everyone? This week's offering is by Phi, and, my word, I'm having a fair old struggle with it! Has anyone finished it yet?
Good luck everybody!
Here is a link to 'Solo jeopardy' by Columba. There is an American spelling in an important clue, and there may be an 'outcry' over 13a! An enjoyable fun...
Stuck on last two questions of the £25 an answer crossword. NARROW MINDED - H?I?I?R?D SYNTHETIC FIBRE - L?R?T?C I did think the first one was blinkered but it does not fit in with the other...
Oh boy, just seen where this one is going. Very nearly finished, but I reckon there's going to be a fair bit of drawing to do, which can wait until tomorrow! Enjoyable diversion, without being too...