The distinctive rust-coloured rim of this thermal pool can be found in an archipelago that is also home to Lake Taupo. Name this country's capital city.
16a Merriment is real distraction at sad occasion. (7) letters ---e-a-
22a To steal, make very little sound. (6) letters --s-l- (is it easily?)
Thank you in antisipation....
Just put a pan of baking apples, sugar and currants on to simmer and guess what......I forgot about it and now the pan is black and the contents are in the bin!! Anyone got any ideas (apart from...
Hi can anyone suggest a way i can stop next doors cat from coming in my garden (or any other cat) and leaving me various piles of presents i.e...poo ?
`A spray or something ??
TIA X...
(1) Standing firm. (6) letters. (2) In this,with the french doctor, you could navigate Bohemia without a problem.(6-4) Answers needs to be a home/dwelling. Any suggestions welcomed. Thank you....
1a) Fix cricket? Its body has virtually no substance.(5-6) 3d) One Catholic in event remains.(7) 5d) Back set for surgery that`s most serious. (8). 17d) Listed computer stuff is to be kept in Eastern...
4d Spicy Indian dish cooked in and eaten from a wok-like metal dish, from Urdu, ` pail` 95) (b?l?i) 25ac $econd largest country of South America, host nation, along with Chile, of the 2011 Dakar Rally...
Hi 9a chinese dish meat and bean sprouts (4 4) ??o? s?e? 27a toll road in us (8) ???n???? 29a roof window (8) ???l???? 24a swiss city (6) ?e??? 21d popular chinese poultry dish (6 4) ?????? ???? 22d a...
Sat Tel GK 24d: Sauce to accompany fettuccine pasta, made with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, cream & garlic. Could it be FLORIDA? 54a: Swedish physiologist, etc (lengthy clue). E?L?R. EULER? But...