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AB Asks
It's good to see that the police have detained people in the wake of the terrorist incidents in London and Glasgow. Naturally the papers have been full of reports about people's safety in Britain. Do...
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Well off on my jollies soon to Crete and it happens to be smack bang during that time of month :S So went to the Docs and they gave me Norethisterone (1tablet 3 times a day) to delay it. However, i...
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help i'm 6ft 4" tall and really skinny i just cant put on any weight i lift weights and play football and cycle alot but nothing works can anyone out there give me any ideas on how to rectify...
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Does anyone know if suncreen works on sunbeds? Thanks
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have any smokers been in the pub yet since the ban, how did they find it? Was there a suitable place for you to smoke?
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Okay, love is blind, and to top that off, with me, it can't count either. I have been with my partner for just over a year now. Don't get me wrong, I love him to death, so that's not what I'm here to...
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My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. He left to go back to london about 4 days ago. And ever since I've just been unable to cope with it. I miss him more than ever. It really really...
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I have just very recently started seeing someone who had been chasing me for the last three months until I agreed to go out with him. However, last week he said he has met someone who is eight years...
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Me and my cousin are very very close and always have been. anyway last night just before i got into bed i starting getting what felt like normal period pains, thought a bit odd cause not due yet but...
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i am looking in to have a breast enlargement... not many websites actually tell you the price! I am not opposed to having them done abroad....anyone had any experience of this - know someone who has...
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If you looked inside, what would your soul have in it? (Not a religious question, promise, just feeling a bit thoughtful!!) My son has been horrible tonight. He was sent to bed in a strop, only to...
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Black Noir
There is a good reason why people shouldnt have children and it is to avoid 5 years later the pikey mum types that every school playground seems to be blessed with. Or is it just down here in the...
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does anyone like me believe you block out bad memories from your mind, only i have forgotten so many of the things from when i was a young girl, or is it just a case of having a bad memory?
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I am truly baffled. I bought a new pair of flip-flops and the toe piece that sits in between your big toe and 2nd toe has a plastic tube piece covering it, does one remove this plastic bit or leave it...
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I am going to see a Medium for the 1st time next week, i was just wondering what are people's thoughts? Are they real, Do you beleive in that kind of thing & what to expect?
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and a part of my filling has broken off, its left a small metal post sticking up and its digging into the side of my tongue, ouch, cant get an appointment with the dentist till monday anyone any ideas...
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hi, i am desperate for as many people to answer a few questions on weddings as possible! please fill it in if you have 1 minute spare, thanks!
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Doc Spock
on here remotely worth reading. I am getting cranky in my old age but goodness me, dress sizes, hairdressers, bored at work. etcetera etbl00dycetera.
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my 6 yr old is about to lose her 3rd and 4th milk tooth. When she lost her first one she didnt even notice as it came out whilst she was eating. With the second she didnt nothing but whinge about it...

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