I heard a song on the radio the other day that I liked very much. I think it’s a fairly new song - at least I've not heard it before - but I can’t remember the title or the singer. The lyrics are...
Just a reminder for fans of ‘The Windsors’ - an irreverent comedy series parodying the Royal Family - they’re doing a one-off special for the royal wedding. Enjoy! :o) The Windsors Royal Wedding...
When man’s inhumanity to man, or indeed woman’s inhumanity to woman, makes you weep, did you know that your tears are, according to one Ruby Hamad, “a form of emotional and psychological...
//Labour chiefs were today accused of “Politburo Politics” after it emerged that a group dominated by Left-wingers will propose who should lead a flagship council — after voters have gone to the...
//A Northern Ireland bakery found to have discriminated for refusing to make a "gay cake" will have its appeal heard by the Supreme Court later on Tuesday. Ashers Bakery are challenging the ruling...
//That's the claim in a debate between teachers - with suggestions that digital clocks are being installed in exam halls for teenagers. It follows a report in the Times Educational Supplement of a...
//Changing the political makeup of Labour’s representatives in parliament is a key aim of Corbyn’s project to reshape his party; and the battle for the future of Labour has intensified this week...
My farmer neighbour was called away last night and asked me to go into the house this morning to let the dog out, which I duly did. However, on entering the house, which I’ve never been in before,...
A pensioner with dementia has made a remarkable recovery after switching to a Mediterranean-style diet high in blueberries and walnuts. Sylvia Hatzer, from Prestwich, Greater Manchester, could no...
What with this and the more recent cases of the abuse of young girls, again ignored, the authorities in Rochdale should be hanging their heads in shame – all of them....
Just for information really, but seven celebrities tackle a medieval pilgrimage to see whether it still has relevance today. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09w7lc0 I started watching the first in...
//Two Britons accused of being Islamic State members have complained they will not get a fair trial because the UK government has stripped them of their citizenship. In an interview with Associated...
Not a question, just something that some may find interesting and want to comment on.
Another attempt in France but this time. thankfully, a narrow escape.
The highly vocal mayor of London, who seems to have something to say about everything, has criticised Jeremy Corbyn on his failure to deal adequately with charges of anti-Semitism within Labour ranks....
//Alexia Walenkaki was using a rope swing in Mile End Park when the rotting log supporting it fell and crushed her. She suffered a cardiac arrest and died an hour later on July 17, 2015, the day...
What would cause the top layer of new render on a brick wall to fall off? It’s bubbling up and cracking in places and then dropping off. To allow the wall to ‘breathe’ it was newly lined with an...