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How do they identify the dead, They all look the bloody same
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cold callers on the phone, you know the types, double glazing, fitted kitchens, insurance etc. I ask them to hold on as there is someone at the door and then just leave the phone off the hook. We see...
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late Palaeolithic culture of what is modern Tunisia
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Hi all I've noticed that some Catholics when going up to get communion don't always drink the wine but they do eat the bread, why is that?
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Mani Hussain
Now, I had quite a heated exchange with a couple of Christian friends yesterday while discussing Genesis 9, 18-29, you know the story of Noah's drunken escapade. I mentioned that Ham 'seeing his...
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Mani Hussain
Keyplus might know this, What happened to Bilal after the Muslims conquered Mecca? How did he die?
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Fish the Mod
We need to do musical bingo ( we play a tune that has a number in the title and the first to cross off all the numbers wins!) I need song titles that have a number in it like The Beatles, Eight days a...
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Has it ever worked for you? Apparently Noel Edmonds swears by it... Another form of prayer?
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hi can someone please help me, i dont have much money so cant affor a defence and im due to face assault charges at the end of the month i was attacked my a gang of youths for no reason whislt walking...
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Seb Green stole a boat off the Dorset coast and ended up having to be rescued by sea rescue team at a cost of ?20k. He was 15 when he did this. He is now 18 and and is doing a sponsored walk around...
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Now I may not be brain of Britain but even I can see what the consequences of dropping the 10p tax band would be. Surely Brown and co must have realised what a c0ck up it would be and even if they...
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My sister-in-law is coming over from Oz next week,-she'll be in London for 3 days. One of those is taken up with the Chelse Flower Show but I am worrying about the other two. She's been once before,...
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Mani Hussain
An atheist was walking through the woods one day in Alaska admiring all that evolution had created. "What majestic trees ! What a powerful river ! What beautiful animals!" he said to himself. As he...
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I have an account with BT, but also have my own domain. (I think that's the right word - sorry, I'm not very technically minded). Anyway, the email address I usually use is the one attached to my...
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In Britain there is a school of thought that eating after 20.00 is not a good thing, calories consumed later in the evening do not get burned off, so late night eating will make you fatter than if you...
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Which do you believe? Creationism Evolution A little of both
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Aristocracy and celebrities aside, at what salary level would you draw the dividing line between rich and poor?
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jake-the-peg .stm I imagine though that many of the Tory supporters on here will be so disgusted with the cynicism that they'll be donating theirs to charity! Tell us...
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A question for atheists / religionists / or the not decided. What is deemed as a capitol offence? I know that my last post here was removed and I have absolutly NO desire to return to name calling or...
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Hi, Please could someone help me as i have a test soon and have lost lots of my revision books, including my R.E One! There are a few things i would like to know 1) what do you call somebody who takes...

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