The story has sent tremors around the world. An Austrian man has reportedly imprisoned, tortured and abused his own daughter for the last 24 years. He has allegedly fathered seven children with this... /news/news.html?in_article_id=562358&in_page_i d=1770 A blunt reminder to all those that are prepared to embrace Islam. These vile crimes committed under...
Love this show, and here's some examples why: (religious and social themes...) On religious intolerance: ture=related On terrorism:...
Does anyone know what happened to the Brazilian Priest who attached himself to a 1000 helium balloons for charity. He was hoping to float inland but it was thought he was blown out to sea. Theres been...
Just one to do in a local quiz and completely stuck - got nowhere with google, would appreciate any help please. Ques = Which Englishman holds the record for contesting the most political elections?...
Firstly. I have been having this discussion with a friend at work. He is a hardline atheist but believes in ghosts, and even claims to have seen them in a house he once rented. I found this quite hard...
I've often wondered about this. If god made man in his own image, then I suppose it follows that He looks like us? Do you think this goes for the devil/satan as well? What are your thoughts?
I listened to a Pan Pipe song when i was very young. about 1978 - 1984. The pan pipes in the song start off slow and get faster and faster with the same continuous tune all the through? Please find it...
Does anyone have an opinion or theory regarding the existence of the Piri Reis maps? Let's try to avoid anything involving flying saucers or ghosties, eh? Similarly, let's leave coincidence parked...
Shannon Mathews. ire/7337258.stm Starting to get the impression that some one has set this whole thing up. It sounds like some kind of bizarre plot to...
christian attitude towards jews? I am genuinely perplexed as a lot of christians on here (Theland being the most obvious but also Clanad if I'm right) see them as Gods chosen people and see Israel as...
I (hypothetically) need help. My life has had nothing but problems,pitfalls, illness. All physical conventional means of help have been useless. Can I look to God? Can a Christian convince me of it's...
I know this is a sensitive subject! - I was on a bus last week in east London and two women got on - they were fully covered up in black, including long black gloves. This is a common sight round here... technology/bt+spies+on+customers/1933047 If BT can do this, why can't paedophiles who groom children through internet chat rooms be traced?
Was there a religious or belief connection between early peoples around the world: Egyptians, Druidic, Nordic, Hebrew, Sumerian, Mayan, Dogon etc because of elements of astrology, astronomy, building...
Gaia, A rebirth of enviromental ideas brought to the western world in the 60's but have existed for thousands of years harnessing the belief that the Earth is one living organism, humans included....