We're hearing more and more about the huge debts people are incurring. If you are in debt, how did you get into that situation - does it worry you - and how do you plan to deal with it?
An iteresting clip from my local newspaper:- "The other man was of mixed race, aged 18 to 20, slim to medium build and about 5ft 8ins around the mouth" Do you get this sort of typo in your local free...
"What am I holding in my hand?" "What colour is yours?" "Do you or don't you?" "Stir your soup clockwise or anti-clockwise?" "Ever had an embarrasing bodily function at the wrong moment?" Good morning...
What are your experiences? I had an appointment last Monday. Went to the patients toilet & was really surprised at how unclean the room was! The bin was overflowing, the floor had not been scrubbed...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles /news/news.html?in_article_id=511492&in_page_i d=1770 Is it not time now to get rid of these so called "plastic policemen" before they cause more...
I have got to conduct a 10 minute devotional slot with the a group of under 8' year old boys. any ideas of websites that may be able to give me some original ideas. TIAx
What kind of numpty...????? http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30100-1 303440,00.html?f=rss Woman calls 999 because she didn't have a quid for a supermarket trolley. Are people really that bloody...
In the world's worst newspaper, The Metro, this morning there was a letter commenting on the very important issue of how to pronounce the letter 'h'. The correspondent claimed that the Haitch/Aitch...
Maybe you believe in heaven and hell, and maybe you don't, I don't mind either way. But have you ever tried imagining, seriously, the thought of going to hell when you've died. Think about it, eternal...
Anyone got any advice on how to harder up my nails. I have tried herbal nail supplements and use hand cream every night. I have times where they are better and I suspect it may have something to do...
Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell has warned that there will be "no free-riding on the welfare state", and that people able to work will be obliged to seek employment or training, or face...
Watching martin amis on tv.He says the opposite of religion isnt atheism or secularism .The opposite of religion is freethinking independant thought.Well agree or disagree?
Will God ever declare an amnesty and allow sinners into heaven? As someone who has led a blameless life, I would feel a bit let down, having given up all the pleasures in life, to secure my place in...
i was looking for people who have read old/new testament to comment on what it is that a christian needs to do to guarantee their place in heave? Waldo.....please step up i know you'll know this!
I've been unable to log in to AB for a few days - but this morning EUREKA!! However, I've discovered that, in my absence, China has been shamelessly tempting me with goodies like cheese and grapes in...
Little Mari Luz who disappeared from Huelva 10 days ago is due to be reunited with her family very soon says her father. Let's hope and pray that this is right.