In today's Guardian a report Cold meat and chocolate will get your mind fit ... and sex is handy too, according to a new book But avoid people who whinge, whine and complain,' said Author. Does that...
Religion is mind control on a grand scale, fostered by governments around the world for their own political and financial ends.In a lot of countries religion is an arm of the government. what better...
Any certain story or event which happened in the past that u find just sooooo fascinating??? At the mo i cant stop thinking about the man in the Iron mask!! Who the f*** was he????? Do u really think...
There has obviously been a lot of discussion about this situation in Sudan today. I do have sympathy for this poor woman and hope that she gets through her sentace and comes home safely. But lets face...
How much longer are we going to sit back and put up with this religious islamic rubbish? The woman was there to help the Sunanic children for goodness sake!
Whatever religion,belief or faith one may be..Hypothetically speaking....With your final breath on this world waiting the reaper ask's 'you have but one question and it will be answered' what would...
"The vicarage of a woman priest who has been subjected to a hate campaign has been attacked by an arsonist. Police said the letters were of a "threatening" nature and "expressed anger at Rev Hobson...
Is everyone enjoying as I am the Labour party squabling? I there no form of dishonesty they won't endulge in? I mean ok we had few brown envelopes and the occasional porky but we are amatuers compared...
Since Brown took over the office of Prime Minister from Bliar we have had: Terrorist attacks Foot + mouth outbreaks Shameless stealing of Conservative + Liberal party ideas Northern Rock fiasco Child... /news/news.html?in_article_id=496627&in_page_i d=1770 How many posters on this site will be volunteering to mentor a migrant? Stand up and be counted.
So the lady is going to be charged in the Sudan. Never, EVER, EVER again will I contribute even a sou if I think any of it will end up in a half-witted backward black savage Muslim country. I did...
Is it just me who's noticed this.I went to vist someone in hospital the other day and it's like a bleedin sauna! No wonder the hospitals are full of dangerous bacterea, they are incubating them. No...
What does it mean to be Catholic, Episcopalian, Protestant, Anglican, Seventh Day Adventist etc. I've never known or understood. Isn't everybody just Christian? And if I am interested in christianity...
On another thread here blu3wave used the above expression to describe Darwin's "theory". Would he or she like to back this invective with some fact, evidence or reasoning?