Last week the Serious Fraud Office investigated the building of a hotel and conference centre in Birmingham by the Unite Union, using £112 million of its members money: the complex has since been... ...
At a speech given by Donald Trump last week at the Al Smith Dinner in New York, he said "We have someone in the White House who can barely talk, barely put together two coherent sentences, who... ...
//Radiohead singer Thom Yorke briefly walked off stage during his Australian solo tour after an exchange with an audience member who heckled him with a protest about deaths in... ...
It’s Diwali season and the big day for those who celebrate is tomorrow (I live in a heavily populated Asian town). In June, I booked a night out to see a show (I’d no idea it was Diwali back then... ... Perhaps they should boycott the mobile phone and memory stick both of which were developed in... ... More nonsense from the lefty rabble, perhaps they should protest in Gaza or the west bank ...
Absolutly bang on budget getting every aspect of it right in every possible way and very well thought out. Hospitals, schools and carers, have been crying out for some proper action for 14 years.... ... Surely it annoys you when people are languishing in a cell for ridiculous reasons like shouting scum... ...
Does anyone follow astronomy/space? No one I know seems that interested in astronauts going to space etc. I find it fascinating but people do have mixed views. I guess it would be good to ask do... ...
.this misogynistic edict from a Taliban minister who seems to be responsible for the promotion of 'virtue' and the rooting out of vice, will ban women from singing together and even saying their... ...
Labour’s false claim over the Tory’s financial incompetence will be exposed tomorrow with the release of the OBR’s independent report into the fiasco – as my mate Phil... ...
For contempt of court for approx 18 months "Tommy Robinson has been jailed for 18 months after admitting contempt of court by repeating false claims against a Syrian refugee. Robinson, whose real... ...