I recently read a comment somewhere regarding D+B as sold in Tesco.....the opinion was that it was not very nice.It reminded me of when I was a kid,so I went into Somerfield/Co-op and tried some...
I watched a TV programme lately aand it described bottling some clementines.They were preserved in some form of alcoholic liquor and put into a kilner jar then stored for about three months.I thought...
A new report records an increase in violence by women.It has been suggested that a principal cause is binge drinking. An MP has proposed that taxes on high alcohol drinks and cheap supermarket beer...
I went into my local Somerfield to buy some sparkling spring water (I need to drink 2 litres of water each day for medical reasons) .A 2 litre bottle of Highland spring water was ?1.75.A 2litre bottle...
This is a pale pink fish sold in my local Tesco..it's much cheaper than cod or haddock and tastes delicious.I usually cook it in garlic butter but you can always leave out the garlic (if you don't...
I am proposing to make a couple of Bellinis using Archers schapps and Champagne and adding a slice of peach in each.Is this recipe OK........I've found many confusing ones on the internet so I hope...
This program looks very familiar to me.I feel it has been shown before on another channel. I know what's going to happen next.......but I wonder if I may have read the book. Anybody care to comment ?
Is there an easy way to peel lemons? I know that you can roll oranges around and the peel comes off no problem,but it doesn't seem to work with lemons.I've just spent an hour with six of 'em!!
Part one last night.........absolutely ludicrous plot ('plot', I laugh) and matching dialogue!Warren Clarkes' character comes across as an ill mannered,ignorant clod with an overstuffed ego........I...
Does anyone still supply soft drinks like Lemonade or Ginger beer in those old earthenware jars....they used to hold about a gallon.I seem to remember them being delivered to my parents house when I...
For what do people think Tony Blair will be remembered? Since 1997 we have had a succession of committees,quangos,judicial inquiries etc but where are the results?We've had spin and hype on all sorts...
This is a story about a medieval squire soldiering with the army of Henry V in France around the time of Agincourt (1415).I owned a copy many years ago,but I've lost it and am looking for a...