I'm thinking of adding one to my Christmas list ... any thoughts on which make or model to get? I'll be using it a lot, cooking everything imaginable ... so it'll need to be robust. Thanks ... Naz x
Can somebody please identify this spider for me? The photo is of the underside of the spider, I wasn't gonna get close enough for a 'top shot'. http://mysite.orange.co.uk/very-vinyl/Spidda_1...
Have you ever done this, and what methods did you find successful. Please dont cut & paste URL's, I want personal experiences please. I'm building a Telecaster to keep my Strat company, and need...
For all those that enjoyed the sexy carrot yesterday ... this one's even better. (same url, but different pic) Picked from my parents allotment. http://mysite.orange.co.uk/very-vinyl/Carrot_2...
Picked by my parents in their allotment this morning. http://mysite.orange.co.uk/very-vinyl/Carrot_2 .jpg?0.3420847596757661 no question, just wanted to share it.
Your all sitting here trying your hardest to answer questions, or disrespect people. What are you munching on while you do it?. Choccy, crisps, fingernails ... do you have a special PC munchy?
Here's a copy of the email I received today from the company that own Quinns. ************************************************************** This music was specially made up for the Quinn's ad, so it...