I have received my 2011 census form. Notes state that it will not be shared with any other government body but will be used to help local governments access their towns needs etc. Do they give names...
Now the census forms are being dispatched and there are several questions being posed about it, maybe I should do another of these threads for anyone with census questions which I'll ask my mum who is...
If anyone can find a time I would be grateful but it is not on my page list of times which is a pity as Discovery is still in Orbit and we had a fantastic sighting of them both last night.It is still...
I have just put a new basin in my en-suite. Then I dropped something in it and now it has a very fine crack on the inside. Can I repaire with sealant? Would it work?
what would your specialist subject be? careful i may interro...quiz you on it
at the minute mine would be ..... how to plan, execute and get away with the perfect murder :D...
PLEASE CAN ANYONE GIVE A FEW CLUES 78.What is added to whisky to make a'Whisky Sour?(5.2.5.) 84.Why was The Kinks song 'Lola' initially banned by the B.B.C?( THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP GIVEN....
Does anyone remember a musical about a park keeper (possibly called Herbert Pringle?) kicking around primary schools in the 70s? Driving myself and sister crazy.
Now that we are no longer a united kingdom should we still be flying the union flag (union jack in the navy) or should we now be proudly flying the cross of Saint George only ?. Ron.
just snapped my glasses!!! fair enough it was a wee cheap old pair not fit for public lol....i tried to straighten them..to sit and watch tv...and snapped em clean in half at the nose i look lovely...
they have been in the lime light for being a rascist group.....well when i hear on the news about the "muslims against brigades" member mr.chaudry saying that he has no remorse for burning...