...the fun if the swear filter got reversed on here.
just imagine...people asking how best to cook broccoli, whether to employ a financial advisor....Tee hee...
oilmen keep working whenthey do this 6 ?????u back number 8 e?i????L united nations gentle help that is outstanding 6 ??p?i? nervous person having dance in america 9 ???????u? rising up with one under...
It is suggested that an Anglo French army shoild be formed . http://www.telegraph....good-for-Britain.html In the event of a war outside Europe who would you prefer to fight with the French or the...
I have a little vixen who comes round about 11p.m for a little dog food scattered on the drive. Unless my avatar is about she seems quite unperturbed by my presence, Do others find that foxes are...
bought loads of sweets for the kiddies for halloween tipped into a big bowl had loads left and it seemed a good idea to finish them went on a total sugar rush last night behaving like a two year old...
I know its early for some and you haven't got your brains into gear yet but now its Nov first it won't be long to 'Guy Fawkes' night, and like the Halloween song titles I wondered if we could between...
How much would it cost to send a printer from the Yemen to the USA? surely this must have raised someones suspicions about this package.. why would anyone actually send one over there.It would be...
My friend and I are planning a trip to New York City. We want to try all the foods in the different nationalities, but we're a little wary of organised walking tours, because we're both slow walkers...
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the quiz night. The rules are very straightforward, get as many correct as you can out of these questions. The questions are a mixture of picture questions and sound...
12) Make soft mixture (4) _ _ _ N 19) They are assumed by writers (3,5) PET / NAMES? 22) Carrying board (4) _ _ A _ 1) Removal of currency (14) D _ M _ N _ T _ S _ _ _ O _ 7) Payment to avoid army (7)...
I have a cupcake recipe that says to use 30ml cocoa powder - does anyone know how to convert this into g as I am trying to cost up a batch of cupcakes and everything else is costed by kg/g, thanks!