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Can anybody recommend a webcam with built in mic to use with skype Thanks
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Is it any good, as my son wants it as one of his birthday presents ?
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Does anyone know if you can play Sims 2 on Vista Home Premium?
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whse that coming over the hill is it a monster
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Am I missing something but did any of the flood victims actually put their possessions upstairs i.e. where the water couldn't get to them? Every house I see on the news has got the TV, electrical...
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The government has declared that islamic graves should be dug to a depth of 10 metres because,...... deep down muslims are very nice people.
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I need to go to the US, and will be hiring a car. I've never driven an automatic, and had no worries until i just checked a website that recommended using lower gears when going downhill to reduce...
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I have no annual leave left and am living hand to mouth so can't give mone- i will give some next payday though- but i am DESPARATE to help the people affected by the flooding in some way. Is there...
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has anyone played the previous shenmue games? I for one feel really jipped that after struggling thru the first 2 games they are not planning on releasing the third and final installment over...
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how do you get into the tower on eder dam before i saw two guys up there and shot them but how did they get up there?
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I lent a considerable sum of money to a friend who lives abroad. The promised repayment date has long since passed and no repayment has been made and all my emails are ignored so maybe it is time to...
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In the news today a Woman went to the cash point to find ?135,000 in her bank account that wasent hers. She blew most of it in weeks. Would you do the same? I would, I think if its their mistake then...
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Can someone help? Just bought new computer with windows vista installed, most things seem ok except the internet now seems slower on somethings. My son plays WOW the internet game and he says it does...
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I am thinking of buying a x-box 360 game off play asia. Are these games compatable in the uk as it says no region protection?
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my mum is gettin a new kitten tomorrow, shes pure white with long hair but we dont know what to call her....any ideas?X
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I have to go to a Pakistani wedding but it states on the invitation that no boxed gifts to be given so, do you give money? if so, cheque or cash?
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I have to go to a Pakistani wedding and on the invitation it states that no boxed gifts to be given. So does this mean money has to be given? if so cheque or cash?
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hau kola
On our local news today there was a woman who threw a kitten up & down the stairs several times then shot it through the eye with an air rifle.It was all filmed on a mobile.It was shown on the news &...
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change my 8 week old kittens food as the lady i got her off was feeding her cat food in a pouch from tesco,but before i had her i bought felix kitten food,so would it be ok or what should i do it...
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wht age do you get kittens neuterd because ours is going mad around the house, and hes only 5months old. i dont think hes even spraying yet

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