To all of you who were interested im my dilemma last week, I have seen my financial advisor today, and it has been suggested that I could put the property I own (but do not live in) in to a trust fund...
Has anyone had any experience of putting a property in to a trust fund. ( For my Grandchildren)? I fear that if anything should happen to me, the value of my property, plus any investments etc . plus...
Does anyone have any advice on the choice of buying or leasing a new car? I have always purchased a car, but woul appreciate your views on the benefits or otherwise of leasing. Are there any pitfalls...
Has anyone had any trouble with the Marks and Spencer "new" website.? if i wish to purchase online, I am told that my password needs changing to conform with the new site. They state "we will e-mail...
Update on boiler problem........... The said well known company, would not come out until I paid upfront (£ 80.) for a service which they said I would have to pay as the boiler had not been serviced...
Woke up to a cold house this morning, boiler three years old (my previous one lasted 20 yrs !!) Rang the 24x7 helpline no. of my insurers, a well known company, expecting the engineer to come today,...
For those over 40....... My mum used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread butter on bread on the same wooden cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning....
Good Morning, I have recently been diagnosed with blood clots on my lungs, has anyone else experienced this problem? with the medication of warfarin I am hoping these will disperse. I would be...
Does anyone know how I can find the e-mail address of a Hotel in Italy ? My grandson left his mobile phone in his room when vacating the hotel, after a school ski trip, ( the teacher who organised the...
Does anyone know of any evening classes/ tutors/ organisations etc., that could help my Grandson with his handwriting? his handwriting has deterioated over the months (I can hardly read it let alone...
Is it me or does Cher's latest record " I hope you find it" have words and sentiments very close to a song by Ronan Keating called "I hope you dance" ?? ( Not one hundred percent sure of the title)...
I have recently had my block paved drive cleaned, by pressure hose. The cleaning man put the generator on the drive, and I noticed three oil stains from the generator when he moved it, he was going to...
My Grandson has an i-pod, and his younger sister tried to enter his code (which she did not know) so many times, that he is now locked out for would you believe 44 yrs !! as he is now 10 yrs old he...