This isn't really a question, more a word of warning. I was given a One4All gift card for Christmas last year, and it almost got forgotten about until I was sorting out my wallet. Its not a... ...
3d. need scoop desperately? Here's a means of invading privacy (9) 6d Kamala-Trump ends wth lap dancing - shock (5) 9d US haircut given by doctor an aggressive sort (6) 20d miserable cameron on... ...
Answers are all drinks 18. Iron in East, so makes a strong drink (8) 20. Used to make heat, but drunk cold (4) 23. Sound like pretend pain to me (9) 39. Surprisingly , doesn't taste like a choc... ...
On the contrary, NACW, the hints have been helping me along quite nicely. Just two left , 5a and 10a for which I now have anagrammed letters. 5a: ?R?A?S and 10a: ?S?R?L Four other clues, for... ...
Good evening, a Soup offering that looks interesting as far as discovering anagrams is concerned. Help with the following would certainly help me to know if I’m on the right track. Many thanks in... ...
So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what... ...
The cost of winter fuel payments is £3bn a year. The profits of the big four gas supply giants in 2023 was £65bn. Just wondering if any clever economists out there can see any possible solutions to... ...
Help appreciated with last 2: 22 down: Labour's elite ultimately wanting to get in a newspaper (6). 27 across: Being comparatively sexy, not hard to be a fish-eater (5). many thanks!
Please help with these 16 After run-in Relate is giving support(7) 27 Lands start to wane in famines (6) 8d one for Charles Siegfried's partner on a programme (8) 5 Papers rip and run after set back... ...
7a, It's about 101, car struggling (5) C-R-A .Is it Corsa? 9a,First within a guinea in the catalogues(5) L-S-S.Lists? 5d, Follow the Yorkshire bird(5)T-A--? 10a, Named everyone in last month's... ...
2d gives in - or out! (6), has an a and a s in (but all words are anagrammed to enter) 9a going round champagne city, having drink is more stimulating (8) has 2 e and 1 a - I guess it means 'more... ...
1) PLayer who gives the crowd nothing to celebrate? (9) T?A?E?I?? Why is this TRAGEDIAN? 2) Ordered to go cycling around secluded place (4) N?S? Why is this NEST? (assuming the S... ...
22d Hurt I revised for one second in class (6) Due to the nature of the puzzle, I cannot give you the crossers, but these 3 letters should be somewhere in the answer - N,O,E 15d Set one down first... ...
In trouble again. Help please on 1d Dubious note received by a painter 11 letters ????????b?e 7d Joint care and spot treatment, that's for a physician 11 letters ????o?????s 10a Striking peer given... ...
Basically this guy was interested in my friend last weekend. We all shared a taxi and my friend was going to use him to pay for our taxi, when she told him she wasn't interested he then asked for... ...