28d (4) A Bird outside of karaka - cannot decide whether it is Kora or Sora - both are varieties of bird but neither hail from New Zealand the home of the karaka tree - is anyone else similarly...
I've finished this, but one answer has me puzzled. 16 D. Old people in judo costume stopping opponents (6) f?gie? The answer seems to be 'fogies', old people - but I can't see how it all works. I have...
I can't stand Marmite, but this was
definitely to my taste. Without giving anything
away, you don't have to tie up all the PDs
but it's great fun doing so; some are very ingenious
and amusing....
Although I have finished I am puzzled by 12a is it a 5th member of one of the sets or normal - if so I cannot see the wordplay. Apologies - this will seem gibberish if you are not doing this...
29 A. Not conscious of being elected, was rat-arsed with nothing on (2,1,5) ?n ? ????n 13 A. Soak was screwed up, overthrown leader (5) ??a?p (I can see 'tramp', which could be 'soak'/drunk, but I...
watching the finals at Wimbledon? Two were wearing blue jackets, quite tanned and the camera kept turning to them towards the end of the game? Also another one sitting behind Murray's girlfriend also...
16 a. H_ _ _O_I_ _. Harp on about bandaging one after injury.
Also could someone explain 2d, I have put in Robin Goodfellow! Thanks in anticipation....
Hi all After seeing Piffleworthy's comment I checked and it has now appeared on Exact Editions. So it may have been just a delay. Hopefully normal service should be resumed next week- fingers crossed....
Last 3. 18a It's banned in the service of evil ??r?a?
18d Plant to cultivate in convent ??I???l?r?
28a Expression of surprise, imbibing large whisky ??l?y
Thanks folks...
10a Finally strummed strange instrument -r-- (4)
6a Is about to enter America, a huge territory -- (4)
8d Crazy inmate hiding Medical Officer's fossil ----n-t- (8)
Any help much appreciated...
MP,s run into political enemy I'm needing to reform. (8.9) and 22a. Green strategy ultimately? it could be. (11.6 ) . My brain has stopped working! Many thanks for your help.