Stuck on two. 27A. Help said second mate (8) ?E?R???D 15D. With which to calculate downfall during storm perhaps (4,5) R??N. ?A??? (Rain gauge??) (The sixth letter of 27A is the last letter of 15D)...
33a Cork's holes (5) This is one of those crosswords where you have to manipulate the input so all I can say at the moment is that it ends with "S" and either the first letter or the third letter (or...
2 Dn : lady shortly found between Peter and percussion instrument, is
pompous official. P????????? (10)
4 Ac : followed and watched closely, had scattered seeds outside.
?h?????? (8)...
9A Flighty creature requiring said fuel (6) P ? ? ? ? ?
4D Fireplace almost is free (6) ? R ? ? ? S
7D Votes for official cropped and destroyed (9) ? ? ? E ? E ? D ?...