Completely stuck! Political party talker for volatile type not keen on power sharing (7,5) and Merely want Trump’s inauguration top wear to show “Blow me” (4,5,4) Any help greatly appreciated!...
All clues lead to answers of eight letters, and these are to be entered around their appropriate numbers, clockwise or anticlockwise, beginning anywhere. Solvers must determine where each begins and...
1D Perennial points throughout (9) ? N ? U ? ? ? G
19D Postman by church plot (5) ? A ? A ?
11A Secular laws appear in church initially (4) L ? ? ?...
cryptic 21A Index put forward (5) ? ? ? ? E 26A Beer spilt about medieval instrument (5) R ? B ? ? 18D Joined together with small stitched fold (5) ? ? ? C ? 20D Damsel backed modern church (5) ? E ?...
25a Under-secretary? No longer compliant (7) SUB _ ISS Obviously SUBMISS (compliant). Under = sub + miss for "secretary no longer" ?? Is this something to do with that in years gone by secretaries...