Two left after a long struggle this week!
22d Support getting topless any minute (5) T_ _ _ Y
26a Hear blooming woman in 40's (5) R _ S _ _.
? Today & Rosie - and , if so, why please?...
Hi, only 2 this time: 16D Old trader's carts - not a change (3-6). DAY something?
And 13D Dance around soggy ground not acceptable (3,7) If it's Gay Gordons, the anagram's not OK. Thanks....
10a Change pitch at home? It's said to have patchy markings (7) I?F?E?? Presumably INFIELD, but why? 8d Go to a nurse to receive start of treatment (6) ???E?D If 10a is INFIELD, we have ?D?E?D...
Please help with 41 across.Clue is: Not bothered about official sending off one of four.8 letters.I have ?I?E?R?E.The only word I can find is miserere, which does not seem right.Many thanks.
Could anyone help me parse these two? I CAN't see how they're done! 2D It could be bleak in such a tank (8). I have AQUARIUM. 16D Would those who once tried harder get support in this event? 5,3). I...