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 so 9 down is walking happy nho musical? 34 down  chase? but 11 across -a t- l    then finished gov act etc not much help to my poor brain  
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local scolding somehow raises your back (8) --ser--- 1 down and 30 across would also help, nearly finished
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Finished this one, with some painstaking deductive work, but I'm still confused on the unclued. I've got them all, but I can't see which one relates to 'a Broadway musical'. Any insight gratefully... ...
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Miscellaneous involving the letter T 
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Exclamation, a vernacular 1 down ( which is Hallelujah) Y?o?o?   stuck on last one      
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10a. Small piece of eight initially forged, 17 (4) The answer is PESO  But why, could anyone tell me please. The answer to 17 is Rhino (as in money)
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last 1 help please   74d fall heavily,fitting getting up 4T?E? thanks
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American with Knight welcomed by adorable King 6 letters. _ _ N _ T _ so looks like Canute but why? Thanks   
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I thought I'd make a new thread so this man been on about in previous thread so I know from the dog's home had a strop other day as manager said he had to wear thier hi vi's vest with dogs home... ...
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27a Thailand charges innocent mother (6) ?A?I?E (I also think that it begins with a T) Many thanks
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5 Across  :  Rally in park finished .   Answer :  Recover . Ok with 'recover' , but how does 'in park finished '  fit in ?
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Please help with Parsing of 4 down.Clue is:Where everyone's put up after sex? 5 letters.I have V?L?A.So, it must be villa.How does it fit with after sex? Many thanks.
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My last 4 (if my others are correct!). Please note that this is a thematic crossword and one (maybe two) of the answers need to be input as a real word anagram of the actual answer. The others... ...
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whispers from presidential staff about sexual initiation 6 letters
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Pity to abandon such honesty and integrity and develop wrong taking ways (--B)
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in india 3 couples
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Enter with four letters from Lima after botching registration (9) - it must be enrolment but why?  
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Just wondering how do I tell my mum I got another job and the care home dropped my hours
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22d. Name in audience for German-born composer (6). XAXDXL  - presumably HANDEL.  Why?
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I suspect the answer is "ebb", as in decline, but where does King fit in?

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