has anyone heard or read of proposals to cut the 25 percent council tax discount that single people get, as i can't find a direct link. It was reported on in my local paper, but not sure this is a...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2321362/I-stand-Jewish-people-Lawyer-loses-career-office-rant-queue-jumping-man-medical-centre.html /// Trouble began after she attended the Bardoc medical...
If you put to the side how it was achieved, aren't we better off without a mining industry? Imagine the protests if coal had only just been discovered and big buisness was fighting for the contracts...
Would it be spiteful of me to say that it would be nice to see some of that ploughed back into the NHS that saved her life and safeguarded her future?
today my husband received his new tax code, he is a pensioner, his tax code went down to 264p does that mean he will pay more or less tax,, thanks in advance
following on from the question the other day regarding russian roulette which i found fascinating, can anyone tell me the probability if you had 2 children of having a boy and a girl. Does the...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2287531/British-citizens-forced-carry-ID-cards-access-free-NHS-care-crackdown-health-tourism.html In view of the NHS being abused by health tourists, would the...
A close friend has been having problems with the social services recently. The upshot was that a social worker visited his house and my friend covertly recorded the conversation with the social worker...
My ex partner was charged with ABH after he continually slapped me and creating a bruise on my hand by restraining me from asking help. He also used a knife to threaten me which he hid while i was...
over the last few months Ive amassed over 400 pound in fines and court costs for relativly minor offences. I am currently in receipt of £99 p/w ESA. Come April I will have to find 30% of my council...
/// http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2264799/Our-towns-like-foreign-country-Locals-cope-immigrants-says-mother-TV-clash-academic.html /// Who should we believe, someone that actually lives in...
Hiya My friend has two kids and she's going to take them on holiday in term time. So the school is going to fine her £50 per child per parent ....which is ok. My question is the man who she is...
From the Daily Telegraph: // In the eyes of its natural supporters, the police force is beginning to look and act like a law unto itself? Even before the shocking possibility opened up this week in...
Genuine question, I have no idea. I always thought it was for the upkeep of the roads, taking away our rubbish, the police, etc? I have just had a conversation with a lad on the bins. I left some...
Hague has threatened Syria not to use chemical weapons (one of the weapons of mass destruction). He says he has intelligence that chemical weapons stored at several Syrian air bases are ready to be...
A lady told police in a written statement that she had seen my son smash a bus window.She failed to turn up for court and when we heard the tape of the 999 call it was clear she did not see this. The...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237617/Camerons-plan-allow-gay-marriage-set-trigger-biggest-Tory-rebellion-modern-times.html /// Among the 118 is gay MP Conor Burns. He said he...
Almost daily one reads of crimes committed with the culprits caught by the police. If we, society, are lucky they are charged and go to court. Almost invariably the sentence received is never as hard...