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My boyfriend plays this really cool game called socom online!! This gaming online thing is totally new to me but looks absolutely awesome!! Does anyone else out there play online? What happens if you...
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Hi, I recieved a penalty charge notice last Thursday for driving in the bus lane. It was recorded on a CCTV camera and photos of the event were sent to me this weekend. The pictures show that I...
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Something has recently come into my possesion and I have no real idea what it is. It consists of three aluminium tubes about 1inch diameter each, two of which are about 8 inches long the third about...
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Can anyone tell me the name of the most common Owl in the U.K? Please.
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If a plane crashes on the border between England and Scotland where do you bury the survivors?
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What is big, gray, and lives in California?
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beware my eyes they have persuasive powers
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a fireman is running to get a net under a lady who looks like she might jump off the balcony of her 20 story apartment building. There is nothing below her except a 20 story fall. The firemand is...
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Any ideas? 'owns a renault in Wales?' and 'a new one is more efficient?'
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There are 2 doors and 2 immortal guards. 1 is guarding a room full with gold and the other 1 is guarding a room full of poisonus snakes. 1 of the guards always lies and the other always tells the...
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Has anyone been on one of these sites? Do you actually stand any chance of winning? Are they fun I have never used a chat room and am curious
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Hi, My girlfriend has mentioned a game she used to have for the PS2 and here's where it gets tricky. It is a detective game and all she remembers is your charecter saying "hello, is there anybody...
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Miss Inquiry
What were your views on this very strange programme, I felt desperatly sorry for him at times, and then when he was dancing (more like running on the spot) and performing his striptease (with 2 pairs...
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Hi, Does anyone have a link to a site which will let me know the exercise regime Christian Bale undertook in order to achieve the bidy he had in the movie. Thanks
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First and last a county stop expressly for travellers (7,3) ?
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the 52nd state of usa and something like marmite perhaps 7,8 sounds like a spaghetti dish 7,7
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Some time ago I read a book, I can't find it anymore and suspect it has been lost, I don't remember the name or the author, but if someone can provide me with either, or ideally an ISBN that would bee...
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Can anyone help, there is a quiz on our local radio called shower 'O' Kee and the clues so far are; 1) female, 2) Initially we were not going to give a clue and 3) she has a hot friend.  It is...
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This is the question, all the most obvious answers have been guessed i.e. 168,117, 126 and 0. It goes "NINETY DIVIDED BY FIVE MULTIPLIED BY TEN MINUS TWELVE" and the instruction is "Add all the...
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andy hughes
Yesterday morning, I presented quite a vision to my fellow motorists as my mouth gaped open in a silent Munchian scream. It was silent in my car though - I was trying to drown out Simply Red's version...

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