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4d Excuses being cheated, taken in by tricks (8)c-n---s-
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3d What may be given by the man getting agitated with dim son? (12) 8d Newspaper mogul to continue energetically, circumventing prohibition (5,5)...
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20d Runs from fire on board ship (7) s---l-s
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25a A meal out with daughter, and a walk through the trees (7)a-a-e--
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Struggling this week ! 1d...Judgement after temper's raised....???? 3a...Small convenient drink....S???D?...
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Last 2 17a They don't like to assume anything (7) n-d-s-s 13a A game between two sides back in the country (5) -u-a-
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1a One well liked at work that will have plenty of backing? (4,9) 19a Stop vessel caught in swell (4,3) t---/off Toss off has toff (swell) with ss (vessel) caught in it, but why is it stop?
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6d Factory to design vintage model of car (5) p-a-t which looks like Plant, but I cannot see what it has to do with vintage model of car. 24d Coach some coaches (5) t-a-- Is it teach if so why?
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3ac Small convenient drink (6) S?????. 6ac Ostenation shown by British page (4) ????. 11ac Former wife's custom is being sent abroad (11) E??????????. 22ac How Oliver was portrayed in battle, unlikely...
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16a Old pop group that will often get drunk late at night! (3,9) 5d Full service in gym following Religious Education (7)...
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last one 21d Drama's over sweetie (3) -on Is it Bon as in bonbon? If so what has it to do with drama?
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3d One's written to tackle drugs(9) 15d Banker retiring in exotic Neath making an impressive leap (9)...
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16d Material not to be made light of? (8) starts -s 19d Remove from duty (6)
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last 2 - 3d Repeated undertaking in church over large object of worship (4) -d-d 4d Area under assualt, for example, in war zone (6) -r-a-a
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7a Excited outside court, producing incendiary material? (8) -i-e-o-- 9a President Grenada upset (not democrat) (6) --a-a-
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1d Judge had robe altered (7) -e-o-a I thought it was anagram, but can't make any words from it!
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20a Very quiet priest inspired by philosophy, a German invention (8) -e--e--- 26a Mischievious type, Oriental sailor switching directions (6)r-s---...
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3 left 6d Faithfulness in a key church position (8)
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22dn Course from Spain - a long hop going North (6) P*E**A 2dn Arrest European holding guy up in the Big Apple, for instance (8) N*A**A*E Many thanks...
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11a New multinational money to encourage skilled operator (12) 3d Looking beyond front page of paper when locals start operating (7,5)

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