Pity Rachel from accounts has just put out the most anti jobs budget in history! Should their right hand introduce itself to their left hand? ... are people finally realising that electric cars are not viable for most? They are great if you live near work and never go very far but the... ...
Did anyone see this on TV last night. Dare say its a repeat, but its the first time I've seen it. Its normally a repeat of the sixties winter. Thats what you call a real hard time, worth watching... ...
I am being pestered by my Energy Company to have a smart meter installed, and for both gas and meters to be changed as they have, according to them, reached the end of their lives. I have no wish... ...
Russia has been threatening to nuke the UK, and they have the support of Iran, North Korea, and China. Some of our politicians dismiss Putin's threats as bluff and sabre-rattling. Yet he has... ...
When you dont fancy a large or heavy meal but at the same time you are a little hungry. I"ve just had plain boiled rice, boiled a few garden peas along with a freshly cooked finger of salmon... ... Call a General Election - Petitions Call a General ElectionI would like there to be another General Election.I believe the current Labour Government... ...
Maybe whoever substituted the alcohol with methanol was unaware of the dangers of ingesting methanol – even small amounts can cause blindness and/or paralysis. A tragedy for those who died and... ... Can Labour turn things around, only with a miracle . ...
Matt Hancock has been dragged out of his hole today to give a his performance at the enquiry. He's had plenty of time rehearsing for a stunning show of crocodile tears. :●)
I used to wonder why so many super-wealthy individuals (such as James Dyson) and a number of rock/pop stars/celebrities developed an interest in farming (in the UK) once they had loads of cash to... ... the same time give £500m to foriegn farmers! I think the 5th column are running the country. ... That's what happens when you borrow to pay inflation busting pay rises to the public sector. Currently we pay twice the entire defence budget in... ... As much as I sympathise with the woman in the link, the NHS is there for sick people not to help create more people. There is not a shortage of... ...