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webbo3 Two-child benefit cap, is this fair or not, what happems with a multiple birth, triplets or a single birth then twins. As for the woman in the artcle why keep... ...
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At present I tick a box on a prescription to state that I am over 65. and therefore don't need to pay.---how will this work if I want treatment for one of the SEVEN conditions that chemists can... ...
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At least the Tories won’t need to worry about them, as they are unlikely to have the where-with-all to vote in the election (voter ID, proof of address etc).
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Why does my cat. Paw around her feed bowl like as if she has done her business in the garden earth
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I found this in the  Bible that says that God will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) what do you think?
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ToraToraTora gawd we ain't even out of the winter yet and we are already getting scare stories about gettiing... ...
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Boris Johnson ..(Con Party) Spent £8,000 of taxpayers money to mark the moment the UK left the EU.The Downing St party was to celebrate Britain getting done.He ordered 117 bottles of Gusbourne... ...
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I am type 2 diabetic,and take Metformin medication. Unfortunately this can cause Diarrhea,which can occur at the most unfortunate times,and without warning.Usually when I am out,and not near a... ...
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....and he was one (of many) who said we would have cheaper food on leaving the EU. Any chance that he might apologise to all those he conned to vote for... ...
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I have the opportunity to work mornings at a coffee shop and then evenings at a pizza restaurant.  Monday-Friday: 0500-1300 Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday: 1430-2130 Friday: 1700-2130 I am wondering if... ...
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We're often told that there is a difference between 'ordinary' Muslims and extremists, so ignoring those who call for violence and Islamic domination as they march in support of Palestine, but... ...
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When properties are renovated do they still have airing cupboards?  If not, where do they put their sheets and towels, and clothes that aren't quite dry?  Just wondering ....
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Rishi Sunak says Fasting is good for you, and he tries to fast for a day and a half every week .Have I got news for you Mr Sunak ...Half the working class in the UK have been fasting for the last... ...
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Rishi Sunak must Have found Boris's book ."How to tell lies" ....By Boris Johnson..He claims to have reduced the number of boat people by the thousands..and yet well over a thousand have crossed... ...
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I don't. Less old people dying of hyperthermia in the UK, what's not to like?
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Made an old fashioned bread pudding. Theres a lovely wiff of mixed spices around the house. Not tasted it yet but it looks perfect.:0)
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With posters who seem to feel it's their right to be unnecessarily cruel in their remarks. Maybe thinking first has gone out of fashion...🤔
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What's gone wrong with society? ...
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Is your Sunday so far, Happy, interesting, average, sad, aggravating, annoying, or down right awful. 

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