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Does anyone know a site where I can discover my great grandmother's maiden surname? None of the family know. I have her Christian name, her year and location of birth but no geneaology website I use...
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Sorry, but much as I'd love Maddy to be reunited with her family, and I support all the publicity generated to find her, the minutes silence that took place today for her was TOO MUCH. What will that...
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On Sky tv this evening they showed a new poster of Maddy's face, concentrating on her eyes. Apparently she has flaws in the colour that make them unique. But....which eye was he talking about? One...
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Does anyone else agree that when a certain star is in vogue, Hollywood seem to cram them into as many films as possible in a short space of time? It's lazy bread-head behaviour. The current actor...
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It's understandable that the pain of gallstones is felt around the gall bladder and downwards but my mother wants to know why she and many others get the pain in the upper back between the wings. Does...
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A newish neighbour, who lives 150 metres down the road, has taken to parking his car and his work van outside my house. I keep and pay for a proper garage nearby just so that I don't clog up the road...
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We appear to have rats at the bottom of our garden. At least - we think they're rats. They look exactly like pictures of rattus norvegicus and have bodies around 9 inches long but whenever they see...
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I've discovered that some of my forefathers had the surname Abraham or Abrahams. Is this likely to indicate Jewish ancestry?
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Why is it, ever since I changed to Virgin broadband, my computer is crashing left right and centre and every program I download seems to be corrupt and unworkable? With GoogleEarth I'll have just a...
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Does anyone know how to print emails when your ISP is VirginMedia. I used to be on AOL and they printed emails out in their original form. VirginMedia's emails come out as complete gibberish and...
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in the film Quadrophenia, one scene has the mods pausing on a hilltop road to look down at Brighton below. I've never been able to find this road and wonder if itwas just a location shot?
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Why is that everthing I download either has errors in it and cannot be run or the program just freezes halfway through? Is it my computer or my broadband connection at fault. The only thing I can get...
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Does anyone have an opinion on this hypothetical poser? A manageress named L recruits a drinking buddy of hers, called S, to work in the company. Even though S is extremely young and has never worked...
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A while back a national newspaper printed certain codes or phrases you can type when using Word. These codes bring up all kinds of messages and graphics, including an in-joke about Bill Gates. Does...
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What does "BNIB" or "BNI" mean on a sellers description on Ebay?
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Does anyone know where I can get a brown leather/imitation leather overnight bag for less than ?100?
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Can there be anything more baffling than a gong for June Sarpong in this years NYHL?
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Hi. I have two separate accounts on my Windows XP. Itunes is (somehow) installed on both. However, I can only download and put tunes onto my ipod with my first account. I don't like using this account...
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On the day my contract with the mobile phone network ends, will my phone automatically change to pay-as-you go status?
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Next week my year long contract with a phone company expires and I am writing to them to state that I don't want to renew the contract. I've decided to buy a new phone and return to pay-as-you-go. But...

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