Its time we got the scum off the streets , no more namby pamby prisons, build more and make them secure where no drugs get in and make it a place worse than hell, Remove all possesions gained and sell...
Hi guys, im experiencing real trouble dropping off to sleep at night, im mean i am really tired but as soon as i go to bed i cant sleep. Its not been a problem the last few nights as i have been on my...
following tiggers post we discovered that some of us are scared of spiders, others scared of worms.... do you know of any weird phobias? There is something called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia...
tiggerblue I have just found your sp ider on my wall now how did it get here and i did not take the pic in tulip mode and seriously when you just posted that pic I loooked up and saw this on my wall....
as stoke says there is nothing on the box i'm off the drink for a bet i'm sat here looking @ pictures of dogs @rses, toast clouds and cornflakes things are that bad i might even go to asda to buy...
If I was a cartoon character I'd be Tinkerbell If I was a film I'd be Flashdance If I was a sport I'd be beach volleyball If I was a colour I'd be yellow If I was a food I'd be a plate of canapes If I...
Many years ago in the 50s a passenger on an aeroplane took a photograph of some clouds ( i believe he was French). the clouds showed a figure of Christ..but you could only see it if you were a true...
All I asked was a bloody question about fleas and most of the answers i got picked out all my spelling mistakes. wat on earth is the point in answering a question about cat fleas by telling me i cant...
I've been quite down just lately. Friend called tonight for a chat and he said I sounded so pi$$ed off, he has cancelled his night out with the lads and is driving all the way from North Lincolnshire...