my body is getting old ,but young at heart ,i like to have fun and keep my sense of humour,i only feel about 25 but my body refuses to do things a 25 year old would do,how about you
For anyone that is interested there should be a good view of the station tonight in England at 10 .50pm. This will be a 4 minute sighting. At the moment the sky in the midlands is clear. Also tomorrow...
Anyone ever used Venture Photography? Was it any good? I'm asking because I've won a free one hour, family photo shoot and a small print. Does anyone know the prices of their prints? I've had a look...
songs on your media player (you must own the full album to include the song on your list) 1 Suspect device.................... SLF 2 i'm an upstart .......................Angelic upstarts 3 noise...
Was here today and informed me that my dog was barking. My dog lives with me inside the house day and night - sleeps in my bedroom but obviously when I let him out for a bit of air he barks at the...
Take the quizzes and find out then: d_others l_5...