What are the advantages of having a bullet spin as it travels. I assume it is caused by the rifle, or groove on the inside of the barrel? Is it for accuracy?
I really want to get a tatoo on my lower back nothing big and it will be in black! I really am scared about the pain though, can anyone tell me what it feels like? Is there such thing as numbing cream...
A friend has just returned from the US having bought various electrical items, which come with bonded US mains plugs. Is there an adaptor available to use these in the UK? If...
I have no water coming from my hot taps. I have a Combi boiler which seems to be OK with no fault lights lit, the central heating seems to work as normal but the presuur goes really high when I use...
I'm trying to make up my mind about this fox hunting question. I don't want to enter into discussions or arguments now; I would just like to have answers to the following three questions: 1. What is...
I want to travel the world for 1 yr or 2, however I could easily stay to set up my business- some think I'm crazy, others think its a wicked idea. Then I tel them i don't actually have the money cash...
I saw on TV tonight about terrorist groups possibly using the internet in someway to communicate discretly or something. If the government saw any thruth in this, would it be possible to shut the...