Having a little move around of furniture and where bed and chest of drawers were there are big dents in carpet from furniture legs...anyone know how to bring the carpet back to life from being...
Hi guys, single blade or double blade?? Any views.
Double blade is the most common in lower power machines...why single blade in the petrol powered?...
Can anybody tell me if I use the same DVD disc for recording in my machine will it affect the picture/sound synchronisation as I noticed the last few weeks that the talking and mouths don't correspond
Can anyone tell me if you need a photo driving licence to travel in the EU, I have looked on the DVLA site but it only says you can travel in another EU country on your GB licence. Thanks
My computer is taking ages to boot up - 5 minutes plus There is a message saying :- In processor : AMD Athlon ( tm ) XP 22004 memory testing :262144kok Memory frequency for DDR266 Detecting IDE Drives...
I have just upgraded to a SLR camera with interchangeable lens's, I have a tele lens 40-150mm but I 'm not sure what this means with regards to distance, can anyone help me , I have seen a converter...