29d one against receiving bit of advert it was stuffed under mail a?t?n... I think this is Anton but can't find confirmation, it's not in my edition of Chambers, is an Anton a medieval gilet ? Thanks...
Hi everyone - a new week, so a new thread. My original info was here - https://tinyurl.com/2p87dttu & the main thread is here - https://tinyurl.com/2s4zyf4u No visit today, but I've had two lovely...
Received this this morning from Daniel.
I have only five more to do!
Either it's an easy-peasy one today or I'm getting better at it.
I'm delighted with myself. :-)...
40d Ship's chandler, an officer who buys provisions (7) I have A?A?O?R. The only possible definitonal answer I can see is AGISTOR which would mean that 43a answer of ALEXANDER (for Jean ?????????,...
A friend invited me over for coffee, and said, "while you're here, I wonder if you can identify this tree, I have in my garden". I took a peek out of the window and said "sure it's a dogwood" but how...
help please and parsing 12a sorry for retiring american musician 7 ?R?????I??U? 40a area with points of intersection,not over range 5 ???E? 9d portion pit out,not acceptable 4 D???deal?dole?dose? 17d...
Good day, I would appreciate answers for the following, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 32 Like seaweed I found, not new, drifting round about (6) ????I? 35 Chiefly wanting one to be dignified (5)...
i bought some costain shares a few years ago it was a 100 shares the reduced that to 2 shares i had a phone call from a rep from costain company telling me i have 3796 shares i asked her how come i...
When i try to download the crossword from their website ..(usually available on Friday fortnightly...before then it shows the previous crossword) I get a message "get error 28 from storage engine" ??...