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who has appeared here over the last few days. it is a person who has reared her ugly head thinking this place would have forgotten what she did to january_bug and others. We havn't.
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OMG !! im from the north but dont know anyone like this lot, its funny to watch in a weird way as i know there are people who are like this in real life .... : )
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......are you a wanna be poet? or are u just a wanna be??!
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I'm 41, good looking and divorced. Happy in my own skin as it happens. But I cannot find a good woman for love nor money. Should I get me a Russian Bride? :-)
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on the news today it said more people split up from a relationship today than any other day of the year .have you or do you know any one that has split up 2 day
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Do you have regional accent? If so what is it?
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Ok an observation of mine Posh people have floppy hair and rosy cheeks like Prince William could be related to Ben Fogle they have a certain look kinda like a horse People who go on Jeremy Kyle and...
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Whilst cleaning out a cupboard in my Sons room today I came across and old envelope filled with bits and pieces I had kept from my young teenage years. Included in these were several love letters from...
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Following in from Panic Button's question what was your parents attitude to the birds and the bees, did they explain things to you, if so how, or was it a taboo subject as it was with mine. Did it...
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do u think its wrong for 2 single people who find eachother attractive to just have sex ?
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Assuming that you believe in a God that created everything, whether specifically or through evolution, my question is WHY did God create that that is? Why so many stars? Why animals and other...
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After several years of receiving these new 4 blade all-singing all-dancing the-best-a-man-can-get razors for Christmas I've decided to go back to using my trusty Gillete Contour 2 blade razor. Does...
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Thought it'd be interesting to know what everyone has done training and qualification wise (vocational or academic) and whether that is reflected in what you ended up doing. What did you want to do...
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Evening everybody, just wondering if anything has ever happened that changed your life forever, either good or bad. Has anybodys life ever changed dramatically in a year? Such as meeting somebody, new...
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Who should I turn to? Yesterday afternoon my 14 yr old son and his friend came home with a police officer, who discussed with me that his friend (also 14) had been reported missing since monday,...
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Ok guys, You have started seeing a new woman and it comes down to the number question of how many sexual partners she has had prior to you. (obviously all of them crap compared to you naturally) :-)...
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I heard today that the USA is 50th in the World for Press Freedom. I find this hard to believe. Does anyone know where I can find the Statistics on this,please ?
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My sister is having a midlife crisis and has split from her bloke of 16 years. she is 38. She is hanging out with her students and generally being very inappropriate. On new years eve she took a...
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1) Drink pints 2) Be drunk in public 3) Pretend to be hard 4) Try to dominate men 5) Eat in public (except restaurants) 6) Never say the f or c word 7) Smoke anything (ummmmmmm, you have disappointed...
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I am 34 years old and take reasonably good care of myself. From my own records I am as fit now as I was when I was 18. I am probably about 2 stones heavier, but my CV rates and recovery times have not...

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