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Hi,I am a part time housekeeper in a hotel,I have worked there for 13 months but iv had to report my department manager twice and thats just for the major issues.3 weeks after starting she docked my...
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My dad, who is very particular about the correct use of the english language thinks that 'I went to Tescos' is fine. I disagree, there should be no S. Who is correct?...
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After consulting my sister, she said she always weighs her eggs. So I used the 6-6-6 oz method with three eggs. I weighed the eggs (7oz) and then, as she instructed, made up the difference with the...
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We've got a grill that collects fat as we cook, one of those George Foreman things. I remember making bird food from fat, bread crumbs and seeds packed into half a coconut and hung from a tree. Is the...
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I won't go into too much detail as this could become a slightly long story. Basically my sister is being targeted by people in her street. After complaining about excessive noise from the neighbours,...
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Can you have allergy of one cat but not another? My SIL is staying and when she got up yesterday morning said the feathers in the duvet were playing havoc with her asthma, until I pointed out that the...
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I would just like to know how I can download a Firefox browser. I need this for my next job, which as you all know is to be that of same day courier. I either need this or just Internet explorer...
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I try to sign up with Tumbler, follow the instructions, providing an e-mail address, password and username as instructed, then I check the box marked "I have read, understand, and agree to the...
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My neighbours have complained to the council about the volume at which i listen to my TV and music. The EH officer came out and we agreed the levels at which i could listen to the TV which were'nt...
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Does anybody know what the music played over the credits was please? Just after 6.00 on Sunday. I've heard it a fair bit over the last few weeks but haven't been able to pin it down - very chilled out...
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I work for a distribution company driving an HGV. this evening we received a letter stating that " due to a downturn in volumne of work and trading of our customers, the company has taken the...
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daily mirror 35k holiday home passwords?
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Need Information about Wood Burning Stoves. Where can I get That In Romania & All the information. I am looking for a cheap & Energy efficient Stoves supplier.Please help me.
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I am a trainee nursery nurse who is contracted 40 hours a week, lately i have been doing 7am-6pm four days a week along with 8am-6pm the other day. (making me work 54 hours a week over 5 days) is this...
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examples from the book please or quotes.
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scots misty
Did anyone watch this last evening? I missed last 5 mins. Did the Hamiltons win the money for charity?
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Hi Does anyone know if items purchased from China & listed as 'Free' postage are really free. Do I really not have to pay customs, etc? I have tried to ask the seller themselves (communication...
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I am trying to remember a movie from my childhood that I only vaguely remember...the plot goes something like this: There are these two kids who get the clue "lapin" to try and find these...
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Will I have any problems receiving something that I have ordered from ebay which comes from Thailand? It is a set of mounted butterflies. Are there any regulations or species protected by law that I...
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Hello group, our 8 month old cat was fed evaporated milk (ran low on normal milk) now its all she wants, will feeding a cat evaporated milk have any side effects, particular tooth decay, or gum...

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