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people often come on here will some tale of anger and woe about a dispute with a neighbour or shop or friend or something...and their question is rarely 'how should i approach them' or 'what should i...
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I recently read this article On the benefits of thorium vs uranium.All sounds very good and all, but is it feasible for large scale power generation, or is the...
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Well, I have an invite to the new Playboy Club. Should I go? Best reason to go - it has an all night Casino. Best reason to not go - I will be jealous of the Bunnies, who will all be much younger, and...
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// The US and other foreign powers are engaged in preliminary talks with the Taliban about a possible settlement to the war in Afghanistan, the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, has said. It is the...
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Tried grilling some black pudding but it ended up quite dry. Is there a way of cooking to keep it moist. Is it already cooked and could just be heated in a mic?
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A dating website that only allows "beautiful" members has had to apologise to tens of thousands of "ugly" people who were accepted by mistake Last month the screening process was...
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Yes I'm still here - down but not out. I haven't slept very well since last Wednesday - those of you regulars on here will know why. I have had a lot of time to ponder on what happened & the...
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// In the first year of the Coalition, 87 per cent of the 400,000 newly created jobs have gone to immigrants — as Britons fail to chase work, according to new official figures uncovered by the...
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I`ve just found a scart lead in the drawer. I put it in there when I got my latest DVD recorder. Am I likely to need it again or are they pretty much obsolete now? I`d like to chuck it out as it`s...
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Smallest hardest xWord Begins with an S last letter might be P TIA...
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anotheoldgit It cannot be because they haven't the time, since they enjoy more leisure time than in the past. Then perhaps it is because they are more affluent and can...
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Sorry to repeat a question that I have submitted before but I am still trying to suss this out.When I try to copy to external H/D I get a message stating 'Cannot copy a file of more than 4Gb' I am...
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The BBC needs to cut 20 per cent from its budgets by 2014. // The BBC paid £300million to screen F1 in a five-year deal which runs until 2013. At almost £3million a race, it costs more...
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this comes up in a box every so often and i ignore it.... should i be updating it?
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Well, following on from the Rear Of The Year thread ... There's a magazine I get called WOMEN'S RUNNING. In the current edition (July 2011) there's a feature called ... ... "Shrink Your Butt In...
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They've got it wrong, haven't they. Since the day of the Royal Wedding, when the world discovered that she had a very shapely little tushy ... ... the most famous bum in the world ... and the most...
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if your mother didn't like your partner and was trying to come between you/make you choose between them, how would you react? For me it would be no mother would never come between...
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I was watching a 3D film in Comet and it was impressive but I feel it has limited application for average scenes . In order to appreciate it you needed to stand about 2m back and if someone passed...
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I bought my laptop from Curry's 2yrs ago and am very happy with it, but I think it needs a little tweaking here and there for optimum performance. As I am going to England for 10 days in Sept, will...
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I ve been awaiting an answer to my post of a few days ago cocerning tape - PC transfer and wonder if I can get some advise. Could someone explain what an MSVCP 90 is as a window keeps popping up which...

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