3 rashers bacon, big sausage, then as much as you want of, hash browns, scrambled or fried eggs, beans, fried tomatoes.mushrooms.
Just having small rum n coke to wash it down....
"Sometimes I think that I would like To be the saddle on a bike..." Sandy and I are wondering who originally came up with this little ditty... I've tried googling it, but have no joy. Anyone...
So Obama visit's a village pub in Ireland and says the Guinness is a great drink and everybody cheers etc.
Well hes not going to say its crap, like his million $ limo was over the hump?...
As this story reaches its final giddy heights, i think we are in danger of losing sight of the real issue here. The problem with SI's is not when they are used by entertainment figures to cover up...
I seem to have activated something cause when I try to look at certain websites, were there should be words/pictures, all I get are little red crosses. What have I done??
http://tinyurl.com/3pz827n I make no excuse in entering these vicious crime for debate, just because they happen to be black. This young savage killed this poor girl for the sum of just £200,...
Bought an item from Hong Kong over 3 weeks ago, the seller provided me with a tracking number. I kept a constant check on the item every day and every day it always states the item is in transist. Now...
The recent superinjunction hoohar has got me thinking. These men have got their injunctions because they have money. If my wife were to try and sell her story to those cheap magazines or go on Jeremy...
I've just gone out to the garden and discovered my beautiful young willow tree ( about 6ft tall and only got it about 2 years ago) has been snapped almost in 2 right at the base due to the high winds!...
I have a couple of plants I cannot identify. They may well be weeds. Im not sure.
Is it possible to attach a picture with this message?
How would I go about doing this?
hello all, not being morbid just wondering really - if a disaster happened like in the films where a virus killed off the majority of the population, how long would it be before supplies of gas,...
Out for a walk today and it was really windy (but sunny) and one of my children became really quite agitated about it. He didn't say it was because it was so windy (but he behaved the same way last...