you ever cooked on your own, Not fairy cakes at 9 but something substantial. How did it go Good or a disaster Me, it was a Spaghetti Bolagnais. scoured the town for the spag.was difficult in 1959, the...
I dont speak to friends who dont messages me and calls me even though i do like them. If someone cares me i will care them back. If i voluntarily go and speak with them i feel that iam losing my self...
Thanks to your previous queen, we have a long weekend over here: Victoria Day. It is to celebrate her birthday, and is held on the Monday closest to the 24th of May. So, three hips and a hooray to...
Hi...does anyone know how to lift off the cistern lid
of a dual push button toilet...i didnt really want to
lift it of and damage there something
i need to do first.
many thanks...
I'm not sure whether any of you have seen the film Armaggedon where a team of oil drillers are trained as Astronauts and land on an asteroid to put a nuclear device on it to break it as it's on a...
Why do women not like being on their own for any length of time but most men don't mind? Is this why a lot of women get into relationships with totally unsuitable men just so they are not alone?
im on virgin and have a BB curve 8900... and i am getting charged 30p a day for the net when i am not using it! sometimes its connecting abotu 15-20 times a night, overnight, while i am asleep! virgin...
Listening to James Whale on the radio yesterday and he said some religious 80 something nut in the US [ where else ?] has predicted that today the world ends and only his "believers" will be...
Ok, with a very big telescope I suppose is a good answer but.... 2 assumptions 1) As we look at a galaxy we are looking back into time and across a distance. 2) The universe started out as a...
I can hardly read today's papers without screaming. What is WRONG with these idiot women? They are attacking Kenneth Clarke for disagreeing with the suggestion that "rape is rape". So here...
It's Death Awareness Week! http://www.dyingmatte...ources/awareness-week I think the presentation is a bit over the top, but that it's something worth thinking about. How many of us have made a will /...
Hi...please advise ...I have Internet from Orange using a Speed touch USB connected modem....they have now supplied me with a wireless modem and CD. If I want to change modems (using an ethernet...
Satoshi Kanazawa from the LSE published his findings on a blog today which deals in a scientific study on attractiveness which rates black women as physically unattractive compared to other races....
Hi can any foodies provide a translation for the following please:-
Filet de Mouton a la Sargent
I know its fillet of mutton but its the last bit the is troubling me.
Anyone been to Turkey? I have a Turkish Lira note and need to know how much its worth in British pounds.The value on it is 250000.The first 3 digits are in blue, the last three in purple. I have...
I've a reasonably large quantity of both and are in relatively good condition. Not warped or scratched (too much) and some are immaculate. I'd like to get shot of them as they remind me of my late...
My mum 'asked Jesus into her life' when I was about 12. Since then she hasn't bothered with me. That I can handle but what I'm struggling with is she sees my youngest on a regular basis. He now thinks...