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For smokers, non-smokers or shopkeeper, I can't see how this useless piece of legislation can benifit anyone. Is this just another example of barking mad big brother propaganda?
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im 21 and i've been with my girlfriend for 2 years now but shes moving 500miles away to university and ill only see her about every 3 months then shes home for summer but she has 4 years over there,...
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I'm sure there used to be bins at airports for unwanted foreign coins ... for charities. When you're in a bar or a shop, abroad, and you get the bill, do you sort through all your small coins? No,...
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Has this date been officially made a bank holiday ? We have been told at work that it is to be treated as any other day although staff wishing to take a days holiday will be able to (that was big of...
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by Simon Cowell, she must water down her accent if she got the job on the USA ExFactor? which she hasn't btw. Theres a lot of Scots,Welsh and Irish, the latter being in Boston predominantly, who have...
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I've got a banging head and I'm stuck in the office. I've just realised I gave my last nurofen to one of the guys the other day. Any other solutions to help get rid of it?
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Just been watching his latest video rants at his producer.......what an idiot he`s turned out to be. Does he think he is impressing people? £1.2 million an episode?, I`d be kissing the producers...
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Other than surfing the net, I mean. I use mine to write letters, listen to old tunes on YouTube, update a chart on prescription medicines (my hubby is on a lot of medication) and I make my own printed...
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this lot need to decide on their sales policy.... i was at the till the other day and was asked if i needed a bag, of course i did i had many items and was told that it would cost 5p, that sounds...
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is it just me who thinks these men will resort back to old ways after 2 weeks back home??
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I've had my eyes checked at my regular opticians i.e Bodys, and I need new glasses. But would it be ok to buy them elsewhere i.e. Specsavers? I'm trying to save money. But if I get them from...
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Now the census forms are being dispatched and there are several questions being posed about it, maybe I should do another of these threads for anyone with census questions which I'll ask my mum who is...
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A colleague has been stopped for no MOT or tax. She has been off work with depression and overlooked it by a couple of days, she has never been in trouble before. The time was 13 00hours on Monday. Do...
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OH is in Spain, he decided to "tidy up" his laptop, he went on add/remove programmes, removed a lot of 2hacker type2 programmes he had installed to watch sport, then decided to remove...
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We all tend to tell others what we are very good at, but people do not tell about things they are really crap at. Finishing the jobs I started. I have a really crap memory. I have dreadful...
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First of all let me say that I have never used a mobile phone before (not even used the real phone for 20 years). Daughter bought us a simple LG mobile for in the car. Told we should make one call a...
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Hi i saw my doc today who gave me tablets,even tho i told him i couldnt swallow them.He told me to crush them.when i asked for liquid medication he said it was too expensive!! just wondering if...
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I have received my 2011 census form. Notes state that it will not be shared with any other government body but will be used to help local governments access their towns needs etc. Do they give names...
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Hi, I am considering moving abroad, am early 40's and well travelled but I am fed up living in England with high taxes and thieving politicians. I would be interested in anyones ideas on where to live...

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