Morning all, My nine year old son has said this morning that he wants a laptop. I asked him what for, and he said to help with his homework, and to "surf". Now, whilst he does get some...
Why is it that people in hot countries get dark skin whilst those in cold countries do not, before I'm made out to be crazy let me explain. In hot weather I usually wear light coloured r white clothes... Not exactly new news but I have thought of a couple of related questions. 1. Is it possible for this Asteroid to have a collision with another space body... What causes a 17 year old to commit such a savage attack on a little 4 year old girl? These type of cases are becoming more and more common in today's society, what is...
When you sent a text and get the message ' Delivered to Bla Blah ' does that mean that the person has actually rceived the message or just that it's left your phone? If a person's phone is out of...
if 02 did not tick the box to state how long the min contract length was or sign the contract is this vaild? as i was involved in a RTA and unable to work and can not pay them they have now got the...
First off, I'm an atheist. I see no good reason to believe in some 'higher' power. Religion to me is goblydegook, superstition and nothing more. However, I cannot wrap my head around the idea that...
we're out during the day so were talking two showers a day, powerful ones but not powershower btw. washing machine and toilets use recycled water. Bill for a quater £110-£165 does that...
Hi we're going to tile our upstairs bathroom floor, our house is less than 5 years old, anyone know anything about preping the floor, I here you have to put a 18mm plywood base down to stop the spring...
I am due a sabbatical in Nov - 4 weeks on full pay to do something that 'enhances my mind and/or body'. I'm stuck on what to do?! People tend to use the time to go travelling but I'll have already had...
Oops I put this in the wrong category a minute ago... Is it harmful to curl your eyelashes using the cool setting of a hairdryer...? Or is it harmful to eyelashes to curl them using the back of a...
Don't know if i'm in the right area here. I've got a car for sale and after a few brief exchanges with the intended buyer he wants to pay via paypal (£8,600) Is this safe??? Sorry, i'm a more...
With increasing numbers of Nigerians coming into to this country, could they also bring their disgusting savage and backward practices with them?...