Booking a holiday a few days ago, I was made to feel positively ancient by the young woman in the travel agents. She asked me if I wanted travel insurance with 'them'. I declined saying I buy mine...
When a high-energy photon forms an electron/positron pair the electrons always have the same mass, charge, etc. Why? If you sent dough to several locations to be made into loaves, the loaves would all...
Morning all, This is likely to be big news today, so I just wondered if anyone wanted to speak about what they think is the fall-out of Bin Laden's Death. I've heard some suggest it is a bit "too...
My toilet bowl has become stained. usually Domestos and a brush do the trick but not this time. Can anyone recommend another product which may be more effective?
Just watching the Andrew Marr Show and the PM said that AV is used only by Australia, Fiji and Papua New Guinnea. So do we really want a system that is so unnattactive? Apparently to make this work...
Some friends came over recently with their kids, so ... ... I bought a 5kg bucket of sweets from Costco (about the size of a normal bucket). Well, they didn't get round to opening them ... so I've...
I know that Christians have a heaven & hell & and the good go to heaven and the bad go to hell.
But what is the equivalent in other religions like Muslims ETC....
A tree in a forest falls down, theres no one in the forest of nearby at all. Does the tree make a sound? Me and my boyfriend are arguing about this one. I say it doesnt make a sound because the sound...
Went to a psychic last night, she seemed pretty spot on for all of us. Got me wondering though, is our life already mapped out for us and no matter what we do it will always end with the same out...
How do I write the conclusions section of my dissertation without repeating everything I've already said in my analysis section?? Any help would be much appreciated!
I am due a counselling session at my docs today and the main thing I want to talk about is my partner. But he states he wants to come with me. Would that be allowed?
I have, unfortunately become the heaviest I have ever been, with a double chin to match! Whilst I don't eat between meals during the day, I have a tendency to snack or have a bowl of cereal around...
What is the best job in the world? Some people say that it is that of front line pilot, but is it really that simple. Has anyone here got the world's best job, and if so then what is it?