There is one I can't parse - 29a "Strengthen holy city lacking an eastern mode of power sharing? (4-7)". The answer I have is "high-tension". I can see that high-tension cables are a "mode of power...
Hoping someone can help! I remember watching a programme/episode (sure it was only fools and horses) it had Nicholas lyndhurst in it and I'm sure David Jason was in it too- it might have been a...
Evening all could anyone help on a few question please all answers are found in the garden thankyou 10, solar ring (7) 15, best mixed fuel (3,4) 16, second space (5) 17, compact disc (5). 20, aphid...
10 ac in a legal context this ones from US TRY ONE AT RANDOM 8 LETTERS -T -O---- 3 down 2-3-4-letters whether the conjuction fits is a conditional to question 16 down 3and 7 letters a single and the...
Please can I ask for explanations, yet again? Important station in Perth bringing in key counter-terrorism unit (7,6) From the other letters I have the answer seems to be " special branch" which fits...
4d Head, getting lost in mist, north instead to make foreland (4) ?A?E Cape ? 5d Solo return for Paul's familiar contact after place lost to Philistines (6) ?I?N?H Libnah ? All help very welcome...
Hello all, help needed please, enlisted every other character instead (4) ?l?e. Send back chap with overdraft (6) r?m?n? Lodger in NEw York reported talk (6) r?m?a?. Judge engaged in religious...