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Can my employer phone me whilst I am at home sick? with work related questions or when will I be back?
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Is it possible to by a rover ticket for American internal flights
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I hate listening to other peoples music on the train but would like to listen to my own without disturbing others any suggestions
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how can i make my penis bigger?
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On the day we remember the millions killed in concentration camps has the Catholic Church made any reference to the Homosexuals murdered
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What i would like to know about the tsunami disaster and all the money that is being donated, is who thinks that the western world would have been so genorous if it wan'st for the fact that alot of...
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On the back of the news story earlier this week regarding a Romanian 66 year old giving birht:   Should the NHS offer free fertility treatment to anyone.   Just to kick this off - personally...
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In the Diner there is a poster that has been masked in post production what was it for and why was it removed . Thankyou in advance
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War comes out of our taxs but Aid comes out of our pockets if we wish to donate.WHY. I probably know the answer but i am that angry explain it to me.   
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I have heard that it is possible to arrive at an airport and buy a very cheap last minute ticket as long as you are not to bothered where you go. Is this possible and if it is do you go to...
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Take a deep breath, How do you perceive same sex marriages in our modern world? Don't you think it contradicts with our manners/ values , can we tolerate living in a world where you see gay couples...
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As a liberal gay man should i fear other religions who have no tolerence for my life style .
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Are there any black people in the film , i have been told  there arn,t and if so is there any explanation for this
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Fox Lupine
Okay, I'm 16. I work in an Argos. Theres this girl there i really like, but being mr no balls i havn't the guts to ask her out. Its actually funny, coz i went to phone her yest night, she was out with...
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What is the purpose of the safety curtain that is lowered during the interval at the theatre? How come it is not required before the start or at the end of the show?

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