the following is an anagram of somewhere in London, it could be an hotel, tourist place of interest or a district of London:- The letters of the anagram are. KNOTTY NOG BEST OF LUCK
Has anyone who did the Christmas quiz involving a question which asked what the profession of the good Samaritan was actually now seen the answer?I ask because I pointed out at the time that the Bible...
back to question 2 "down the pan in Scarborough", answer starts with S, a cryptic clue to something relating to a T.V. programme, not necessarily the programme title, it could be one of the actors....
I'm stuck doing just about the final answer of the Gazetteer Quiz (although I've guessed a few) and I just wondered if anyone has worked out question 92, clue is 'she projects platonic sabbaths in...
the following are cryptic clues to British Football Teams including Conference league sides:- I have answers to the following but need to double check 41. Sounds like a touch black and white 96. Ready...
I still need help with these if anyone is willing and able. I have not been able to find that they were ever answered earlier Thanks T C of a H T - is pavia on the Saga itinerary B - where wild beasts...
Has anyone managed to solve the cryptic clue in the above quiz:- "venue of toothpaste magnate's explosive party" answer starts with letter S. length of answer not given.
did anyone get the answer to the cryptic clue to a british football team ,including Conference league sides. "Place where monk is not on the right side"
can anyone help with the following please? T C of a H T - is Pavia on the Saga itinerary? P - Pound began 74-84 here D D - celebrated Rio in song B - where wild beasts are au fait with art nouveau G -...
Crofter, re hotels, I think that more than one hotel could have been used in Cambridge, clue 35. something REST, clue or clue 36 something GREEN, unless you know better!
just 4 I have left 59 venue of toothpaste magnates explosive party, I had Gibbs at some stage but cant remember why, starts with G 87. Lincolns foretaste of heaven. letters A.C. ? Abrahams ............