What would change if God imposed His Kingdom on Earth now? No wars, no religion, no governments, no fags, no booze, no crime, no drugs, no violence, no hospitals etc. Total and utter obedience to...
whats your fav album of all time list your 3 fave 3 albums of all time and every day i will list the leaders in order 3 points for number one 2points for number 2 1 point for number 3 to start mine...
If you see a random stranger (in the street etc) whom you find particularly attractive, what is the ONE THING that would put you off them? I am not looking for a debate or chit chat, just interested...
My local radio station plays this song every day. whilst i am not racist it does offend me having to listen to this because if the word white was replaced with black it wouldnt get air time.Double...
I have been a member of the AB for over 3 years now, and over the past 6 months it seems to have become more of a chat room than a Q&A site.I have just read a threat of over 70 answers, and none of...
I'd really like to take a letter down to the post box and then follow its trail to its final destination as I'm facinated by the process. Is there anyway of doing this other than calling Jimmy...
There are plans to teach children, amongst other options, Urdu. Sorry but too many people coming to this country speak Urdu and nothing else, to our great expense. There is no social, and certainly no...
12 July 2007 We have recently been issued with yet another parking penalty for parking on double yellow lines. The double yellow lines are not continuous and do not have stop ends. We have challenged...
My ex partner is self employed and declares a minimum salray for tax purposes to the inland revenue. he has admitted this to me and therefore pays a rediculously low csa maintenance payment for my...
i have a magpie in my back garden. im not sure if its hurt or not and i have been feeding it raw egg and bread. does this mean im going to hear some bad news?