I have heard countless methods to avoid paying back student loans (the current type) such as leaving the country for x years, etc. Is there a place I can verify these or does anyone know what the...
Firtsly, I am a srict anit-racist, secondly this is a delicate subject, but I am confused. 90% of the time, if a white person uses a certain word beggining with n and enfing in r they are sacked /...
What would happen is say whilst driving at 70mph on a motorway, I put the car into reverse gear? Would the car slow down gradually, or would it result in spinning the car off the road and...
Could I have some suggestions as to what firewall & anti spy software I should put on my pc? I will probably end up buying if its good but I want a free one for now. Also is there anything else I...
I have bad credit history but have now paid all my debts off. Im looking to buy a car in the near future so would like to clear my name. Does anyone know how i go about this? thanks
In the UK, when people marry do they own their assets separately.? If a woman died and her husband had assets in his name-ie shares would it form part of her estate?