I think my angel fish may have laid some eggs, as i saw white and little black balls on the tank heater, but a angel fish keeps eating them. i dont know what they are and what im supposed to do? They...
and i feel really ill thinking about it, in this dream i was sawing my mums head off and she then died, but then i regreted what i did and tried to put it back together and she was still dead, and my...
Are being interviewed on TV, the presenter said how well she is looking, which she is! only to have Eamonn butt-in and say, "Thats the make-up. ........He got a Ooooooooh from the audience for...
Hi everyone, just wondering what you all do when you feel lonely? Things are rubbish at the moment, Dad just died last month, i have a lovely boyfriend but lives at the other end of the country, We're...
My ex is on a charge of ABH with a weapon (a hot iron). We had been arguing and he picked up the iron and threatened me with it and burnt my hand enough to get a full thickness burn requiring a skin...
I have recently started talking to my Dad via email after 10 years of not speaking to him. He is a bit of an idiot and I don't really want anything to do with him, I've given him a few chances and...
what exciting plans have other ABs got lined up for tomorrow?
mine depend on the weather - fine - putting fruit bushes in fruit cage
wet - planting seeds in greenhouse...
what happens next and whats the process? I reported someone, and i don't feel one bit guilty, as a hardworking citizen, i cannot condone such greedy theiving behaviour.
at work with smart trousers. I have now tried to buy nice dresses, that are not bright, sleeves above my elbow and dress has to be just above my knee. i cannot seem to find any now that i have not...
I work 25hour week, and i feel as if i am doing too much, im always tired, never get time to exercise or any time to myself. i am thinking of asking boss if i could take 1 day off a week and work 2...