In the UK, I can tell most peoples regional dialect quite easily. In the US, we all know the classic New York dialect, like Robert De Niro has, and the texan drawl that Jerry Hall has. Can anyone...
Call me dimwitted but what is (was?) one exactly and how did they work?? I heard it talked about twice this week, then Geldolf was reading one last night. Come to think of it isn't it in...
I was browsing a web page where 50- and 60-something UKers were recalling the way things were when they were young... Several mentioned having to use a "long drop toilet." What does that...
I'm designing an invite to a summer party, daytime, music is 60's 70's rock and roll, maybe a bit of folk/country, hope i'm setting the scene. What i want to put on the invite is 2-4 lines of a...
this isn't much to go on. But I heard a snippet of an old rock song the other night. I'm pretty sure it's called Jane but can't remember any of the words. But it has a really cool piano vibe...
Where I come from originally (Yorkshire), we used to call them ginnels or snickets. When I met my husband he'd never heard of them. Just wondering how many 'names' there are for these things. Would...
Years and years ago I watched a film and it was one of those late night thriller sorts that are on at like 1 in the morning and have no-one famous in it but it was really good. A woman bought a studio...
I am curious, what are the current gas prices where you live? I know there are ABer's from all over...fill me in on the never-ending gasoline price climb where you live! Here in Alabama,...
We do a big "themed" concert every year at College for our music students to perform in. Past years have been Gershwin and Ellington, Lennon and McCartney, Bacharach, Motown, Disco Fever... Can anyone...
Her name is (say) Jane Smith MA PhD. Do I address the letter as (1) Dr Jane Smith (2) Dr Jane Smith MA PhD (3) Jane Smith MA PhD? Thanks for your help as it's a cover letter for a...
What is the meaning of "wrote her off" in the following sentences? He had decided to have dinner with Kaley before he went South for a while, and before she technically became a former student....
Hey, I'm doing my history coursework on Prohibition and links with gangsterism etc. Does anyone know roughly when gangsterism actually started, as we have been told that Prohibition wasn't the actual...
I seem to remember a Jacko video shot in black and white I think, in which while singing he turns into a skeleton and/or supported by dancing skeletons.Any ABers out there know what I'm talking...